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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 18, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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problem. chp reports more than 100 freeway shootings in the east bay in the past two years. right now they're asking anyone who may have seen this shooting last night around 9:00 near willow avenue to come forward because they really could use more information. repo >> we've been posting updates on this story on our twitter feed as new information comes into the newsroom. you can follow us on twitter @nbcbayarea. an emotional day for several business owners affected by that massive north beach fire. that building red tagged today, the investigation just beginning. christie smith continues our coverage from the scene. >> reporter: well, right now crews are here trying to clean up and remove some water. this has been a really difficult
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day. i'll step aside so you can see what's going on. some of the owners tell i me there was a fire in the area a few years ago. there is concern about an upper exterior wall, that it is unstable caused by that massive four alarm fire that tore through the vacant residential area above last night on union street in busy north beach where people were out enjoying st. patrick's day. today fire investigators were back here along the building inspectors. a spokesperson for the department of building inspection says the building was red tagged, that there is structural damage and it's unsafe at least until repairs are made. about a half dozen businesses, mostly restaurants, were closed today. >> it's three to four feet of water in the basement. i tried to get in to our main computer. i don't think it was still alive. >> four years ago i dealt with the same situation. this is four years later again.
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i'm dealing with the maybe worse situation. >> reporter: we're told that up to eight people may have been displaced by this as there was apparently water damage to an adjacent building. no word yet on the cause of the fire. we're told an engineer's report is expected next along with some bracing on that rear exterior wall. the fire has been one of the top stories on over the past 24 hours. you can check out unedited video from the scene when the flames erupted as well as the dispatch audio as firefighters entered the building. a deadly early morning shooting in hayward now has police searching for two suspects and a motive. police say it started around 3:00 in the morning at a hookah lounge in north hayward.
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the victim was at the lounge with friends when they were approached by two men. after an altercation the two men shot at the victim while he was inside the car. >> this is a very expensive car. was it a car that the they were trying to steal? did they think our victim may have had money because he was driving an expensive car? those are things you factor in. >> no one has been arrested. an oakland driver arrested today for a dui after a serious crash that happened early this morning in colma. you can see the white toyota is totalled. one of the drivers was taken into the hospital with major injuries. the other was booked into jail on dui charges.
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the twitter symptom continues today, president trump questioning the impartiality of special counsel mueller, firing off tweet after tweet about the ru russia investigation. >> he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency. we're a rule of law nation. >> the president is also raising doubts that fired fbi deputy director andrew mccabe kept private memos about their meetings which have reported hi been turned over to mueller. jeff sessions fired mccabe friday, two days before his retirement. facebook in hot water. new fallout today over a report that a political data firm with links to president trump's 2016 campaign was able to harvest private information for more than 50 million facebook profiles. lawmakers from both the united states and britain are demanding that top facebook officials even possibly mark zuckerberg testify
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about the misuse of personal data. personal information was used to manipulate voters and target political advertising. some critics say facebook should have notified users that their information was being used without their consent. facebook has now suspended the political data firm that harvested that information from using the social network. vladimir putin lands a big win in today's presidential election in russia. in early returns, he's winning more than 70% of the vote. the margin of victory will leave putin in a strong position to carry out russia's role. >> reporter: it appears president vladimir putin has won another six-year term in office. early preliminary results show that he won about 73% of the vote with roughly 60% turnout. that would make him the most popularly elected russian
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president since russian presidents were elected starting after the collapse of the soviet union. it would give him an enormous sense of confidence, a show of support on the street. and it also gives his mandates support because president putin has made it very clear what he plans to do with his next six years in office. he wants to confront the west. he sees the west right now as leaderless, in political crisis and he sees this as a time to reassert russian nationalism. the big question, of course, is how much was putin involved in creating that instability, creating that political turmoil in the united states. tonight, there's no talk of that here, at least not in public, just that putin won and won by a large margin. >> still ahead on nbc bay area news at 5:00 -- >> when he buys the car, the
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salesman tells him it's fully loaded but down the road some features are missing. nbc bay area responds, next. right now seeing cloudy skies out at ocean beach. 55 degrees. those same cloud, the outer fringe of a lot of moisture here stretching out across the pacific leading to our next chance of rain. the forecast when we come right back.
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immediately after making a $40 thousand dollar nbc bay area responds to a san francisco man who felt abandoned by a car dealer immediately after making a $40,000 purchase. so he called consumer investigator chris chmura for help. >> phil said an expensive part of the car he just bought was missing. when he spoke up, the dealer was silent for close to two months. phil weissman splurged on his luxury sedan. >> this is an infinity, a q 70 l. >> this gently used leather appointed 330 horse power chariot spoke to him. >> it is a lovely car. >> so he bought it for $40,000. but within days the infinity began pushing his buttons because he couldn't find certain buttons.
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adaptive cruise control, collision warning and blind spot monitoring were nowhere to be found. phil discovered the entire technology package was missing. >> when i bought the car, i was told that there was a tech package in the car. >> phil said the used car salesman at mercedes benz of san francisco sent him this e-mail listing the infinity's features including the tech package. phil whipped up a message. >> so i sent it. no response. so i sent another e-mail. no response. then i left two telephone messages. no response. >> phil calculated the tech package cost $3,000 new. he wasn't going to let that kind of money slide. after hearing nothing from the dealer for seven weeks, he'd had it. >> so i contacted you. >> we contacted mercedes benz of san francisco. we initially got no response too, but on our third try phil received very good news.
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>> 100%. >> $40,000. >> $40,000. >> the dealer manager mark santos agreed to buy back phil's infinity. he declined to go on camera but in a note he wrote as we strive for nothing less than complete customer satisfaction, even though it may have been miscommunication, we offer a complete refund of all monies paid. santos sent a copy of a disclaimer that he said applied to his salesman's e-mail as well as all advertising materials. while every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for errors or omissions. if they're not responsible, who is? >> the vehicle dealer would be responsible. >> the dmv told us a blanket disclaimer doesn't give auto dealers latitude to offer one thing but deliver another. the business and professions code requires them to be truthful. mercedes benz of san francisco insists it made an honest mistake with phil. here's the dmv's advice.
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take pictures of the advertising, keep copies of every e-mail they send you and point out discrepancies. then if you're still not satisfied, file an official complaint. >> we would recommend to phil to file a complaint with the local dmv investigations office. >> it was off the mark. >> phil is still driving the infinity, by the way. after our involvement, he negotiated a partial refund instead of a buy-back. he's satisfied and confident his call to us made it possible. >> good job. >> california law is pretty good to car buyers like phil. in fact, a car buyer's bill of rights covers us. it's just two pages long but full of important protections. i say read it, print it out and take it with you whenever you visit a dealer. we've put a link to the car buyer's bill of rights on our website while you're there, if you're
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having trouble settling a consumer problem, let us know. or call us 888-996-tips. still ahead, it's one of the most clogged freeways in our area and it's only getting worse. how technology could ease the commute on 87 in the south bay. and our radar technology storm ranger not finding much fr the moment. that's about to change. out to the west a lot of moisture. has a network with thousands of best-in-class security experts. which means... more of the eye balls you want watching the network... & less of the ones you don't. more experts preventing security issues... & less security threats impacting our customers. more of a highly secure network with more security products available for further protection... & less per month. switch to at&t internet for business. more & less - that's the power of &.
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it's a critical artery in silicon valley but it's become a traffic nightmare. if you live in the south bay, you probably dread driving on 87. can technology help ease the commute? >> reporter: it's a south bay commuter's daily nightmare. highway 87 which runs north and south between 101 and 85. you've been there. >> during the rush hour, yeah. >> reporter: the pathway to tech companies and a growing number of homes. >> traffic seems to be high every day doesn't matter what time of the day. >> sometimes i'm like why are there so many people on the road. >> reporter: vta knows how 87 rolls. >> morning commuters, evening commuters. >> reporter: it wants to find solutions. it's asking people in an online forum for ideas to improve the
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87 commute, steering away from new construction, it would rather hear high-tech ideas. >> we're exploring everything from part-time shoulder use, potentially improving the metering lights, maybe even making more realtime information available to people via app. >> reporter: to improve your commute, create an app or get a bike. >> i ride my bike and take the light rail every day. you know what makes the commute even worse? rain. >> especially if you're on a bike. >> especially if you're on a bike. >> we got a break today. we had some fog this morning. next weekend in case you're making plans, could be a repeat performance. we've got another busy week of weather that will probably carry over into the beginning of next weekend. outside right now, mostly cloudy skies, overcast for your evening plans. seven day forecast at the bottom of the screen hints at those
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wetter changes. in dublin, a drier finish for you. 54 degrees. back to san francisco, similar sky, currently 55 degrees and a bit of a west wind at 7 miles per hour. to emeryville 54 degrees, mostly gray skies and winds out of the south at miles per hour. patchy fog tomorrow morning and increasing high clouds. morning temperatures in the 30s and 40s, high temperatures should be a little bit warmer than we're seeing today. we could be as warm as the upper 60s around the south bay, what will likely be the warmest day of the next seven around the bay area. mid 60s from the east bay valleys back out towards oakland and the peninsula. similar spread of temperatures, lower 60s from dahalf moon bay. the real rain producing clouds still sitting here offshore closer to this area of low
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pressure which is going to scoop up some tropical moisture and we think throw a lot of rain into california. right now we've got the high clouds. similar story as we get things started tomorrow. late in your tuesday morning commute, the rain moves back in. we'll see it off and on with some breaks. the first wave of rain that comes through on tuesday likely to drop more than a half an inch of rain in the santa cruz mountains and the hills of north bay with more to follow as we go through the week. you could see the system tuesday and wednesday. it's a very interesting setup. unlike last week with all that cold air, the return of an atmospheric river pattern seems to be taking shape for california. where that is setting up is really going to bring a lot of heavy rain into southern california. for the sierra, between tuesday and saturday we could see another 30-40 inches of snow. initially snow levels will be high at 6,000 feet.
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saturday snow levels dorrop clor to 4,000 feet by friday. the add the rain, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, bay area totals probably close to 1-3 inches of rain. chilly air aloft on saturday. second half of next weekend not only looks drier, but if we had a ten-day forecast looks like high pressure is going to build back strongly late next weekend. pretty stormy week ahead. after we get through this stretch of weather, it does look like we're going to trend to warmer and drier weather. cooling temperatures as we go through the week. warm and windy at times with that rain on tuesday. any time you have rain in the 60s, usually it has some kind of tropical connection. i brought up southern california because the focus of that storm could drop 8-10 inches of rain around the burn areas in santa
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barbara. >> we'll keep our umbrellas handy. thank you. a life changing injury but his spirit is strong. up next, we catch up with a cal rugby player dealing with an injury. his homecoming message to teammates.
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♪ get high speed internet from at&t. $30 per month. no extra monthly fees. more for your thing. that's our thing. visit box office five weekends in black panther is now the first movie since avatar to top the box office five weekends in a row. the comic book sensation directed by oakland native ryan kugler brought in $27 million this weekend bringing its domestic total to 605 million. in second place is tomb raider. the surprise at the box office this weekend is the christian drama "i can only imagine." this film, which ranked third this weekend, depicts the back story behind one of the most
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popular christian songs. a hit d
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championship rugby game more than ten months ago robert's life changed forever. a hit during a rugby came left him paralyzed. last weekend he returned to his home turf for the first time since the injury. >> reporter: a chance to reminisce with old teammates or classmates, a chance to reconnect. it's what makes homecoming so special. what happened at cal's
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homecoming this past saturday here, the word special doesn't do it justice. >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, please give a very special rugby field welcome to robert pailer. >> reporter: less than a year after the unthink about happened, robert epailer returnd to the place he refers to as home. >> i just remember when i got hurt, there's really nothing good you think could come out of this. but it's because of these amazing people that the good far out weighs the bad. >> he's a real inspiration. it was really emotional for us to have him back on campus. >> reporter: coach says the strength of the program and its alumni who recent lly contribut more than $2 million in endowments is the big reason pailer's injury didn't have the debilitating effect it could have. >> rugby changes lives in very
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profound way. >> reporter: the program is and always has been self-sustaining. it also helps fund women's lacrosse and gymnastics. the pride clark and the alumni take in that evident in the turnout this past weekend and the support they continue to show for pailer. >> i love them so much. they've been here to carry me throughout this entire process. whenever i need somebody, they're always there to pick me up. it's the kind of program where should you fall, somebody picks you up. >> reporter: pailer continues to rehab in denver. his goal, to one day walk on his own again. the 2018 pyeongchang paralympic winter games came to a chose in south korea today. this year marked the 12th paralympic winter games. highlights including tributes to korean culture, k-pop and late physicist steven hawking.
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beijing will become the first city to host both the summer and winter paralympic games as well as the summer and winter olympics. now to our weather. maybe not so colorful this week, maybe a little wet. >> there's a lot of gray behind us right now. as we go through the week, we're going to see temperatures tomorrow actually pretty mild. mid to upper 60s. over ca overcast skies during the day. wind will be part of our story on tuesday. and then we'll be in between storm systems wednesday. wed night into thursday the next storm comes through and that's going to be followed by some cooler air. it's almost like a copy and paste of the previous week. showers and small hail could be possible and snow levels down to 4,000 feet. good nice for tews for the sier >> thanks for watching.
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"nightly news" is next. we'll see you back here at 6:00. tonight, the president's plan to combat the nation's devastating opioid crisis. what will be done to provide greater access to treatment, to get doctors to stop overprescribing, and what about new penalties for drug offenders, including the death penalty. for the first time, the president attacks special counsel robert mueller by name. and, our new poll on his approval rating and the prospects for republicans and democrats in the midterm elections. the tragic accident this weekend at cirque du soleil as a veteran aerial performer plunges and later dies. will there be wedding vows for catholic priests? the vatican studies the issue as a priest shortage grows worse. a modern day treasure hunt for tens of millions in gold lost in a field during


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